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Marketers and business leaders are applying lessons learned from the past three years and turning them into long-lasting business models to drive success and, more importantly, improve the customer journey.

In fact, 50% of businesses say they'll prioritize building a robust customer experience over the next five years.

Consumers have spent the past few years engaging online more frequently with brands. And now, nearly 80% of consumers shop online at least once a month.

Returning to the status quo won't suffice because customers expect more streamlined experiences made possible with online shopping platforms. Retailers have begun embracing virtualization as a strategy to seamlessly merge their digital and physical presence, creating a harmonious customer experience that will attract — and keep — more customers.

A need for phygital marketing

Phygital marketing — a blend of digital and physical customer marketing experiences — helps retailers sidestep the status quo in favor of moving forward. Tools like QR codes effectively bridge the digital divide because they're:

  • Highly versatile: In diverse industries, QR codes have proven their versatility across use cases — including on print advertisements, business cards and invoices.
  • Easily implemented: Businesses can effortlessly deploy QR codes within traditional marketing campaigns, like posters and flyers.
  • Measurable: QR codes store how often they're scanned, allowing businesses to track and measure each campaign's effectiveness.
  • Cost-effective: QR codes are relatively inexpensive to implement, even for smaller retailers. They offer an affordable entry point for small businesses wanting to experiment with location-based advertising but that lack the big budgets needed for cognitive computing and machine learning.

To take advantage of this technology trend, retailers should check out these five ways to use QR codes to add virtualization to the in-store customer experience.

1. Complete online, cashless payments

Retail giants like Target and Walmart were among the first brick-and-mortar retailers to implement QR codes in their stores to facilitate quick, cashless payment systems. This solution appeals to the millennial generation, which is less likely to carry cash. Customers avoid long wait times at the checkout counter and unnecessary contact, keeping them safe. Retailers can create instant checkout stations at strategic spots in stores where customers can scan a QR code and pay for their purchases online.

2. Offer discount offers and coupons

More than 85% of households hunt for coupons daily. To meet demand, use flyers to deliver smart coupon codes. A QR code can deliver a coupon for use in-store or automatically apply a discount code to online shopping carts. Nearly 40% of customers are more likely to make repeat purchases with brands offering discounts. And 89% of millennials say they would try a new brand if it offered them a coupon.

3. Sign up for newsletters and product notifications

Have a newsletter? Spread the word with a QR code, which shoppers scan to sign up for immediate access to newsletters and product notifications. This approach to lead generation gathers customer emails and contact details. By linking QR codes to feedback forms, retailers can collect more information to help track and understand customer behavior and patterns. This strategy benefits customers, too, by providing them with updates on products and new launches.

4. Share product videos

Want to drive shoppers to watch online advertisements or other videos? Add a QR code label or sticker on a product's primary or secondary packaging. It's a good strategy to provide customers additional value with no lift. For example, if a customer wants to learn more about how a product works, a quick QR code scan can take them to a how-to video. This added value content empowers consumers to learn more about the product and make smarter, faster purchasing decisions.

5. Increase social media visibility

Want to connect with consumers in a digital era? Join more than half of the world's population using social media. The average user engages with six platforms, which gives retailers many more options for connecting via QR codes. Retailers can add social media QR codes to posters or directly onto products to drive shoppers to their profiles. Attracting more visitors increases the likelihood that a business will gain more likes, shares and subscribers.

QR codes increase retailer engagement with customers on their smart devices, in stores and long after a customer has left the building. Creating a memorable and interactive customer experience elevates great retailers above mediocre ones. If retailers want to propel their brands to the top of their customers' go-to list and meet expectations for retail interactions in an increasingly digital world, they need to embrace virtualization by adding QR codes to their tool kits.