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Consumers are well aware AI is built into e-commerce and 76% understand AI is being used to help them shop online, with 42% having used a chatbot or virtual assistant to make a purchase.

But nearly all of those polled in a Smarty survey said they've had a negative experience and 35% of consumers remain skeptical of the technology.

Those are top findings from the "Shop Smart: Insights and Trends Report" that polled 1,000 U.S. consumers and was conducted by Propeller Insights.

Close to three-quarters (72%) know AI technology can help enhance the online buying experience and 66% of consumers said personalized shopping experiences are essential, according to a press release on the findings.

Additional findings include:

  • 64% favored AI technology that provides product recommendations during item searches when shopping online.
  • 63% were interested in AI technology that suggests clothing based on their unique attributes and makes purchases on their behalf.
  • 49% want technology that designs a style guide for their home and tells them where to purchase everything.
  • 49% crave an AI that tells them what they need from the grocery store and buys everything, so they don't have to think about it.
  • 37% want AI to create personalized wardrobes for them.
  • 36% want AI's help in writing customer reviews.
  • 35% would use AI that customizes their closets based on their activities and events.

"The findings of our Shop Smart: Insights and Trends Report offer valuable insights for brands," Vipin Porwal, CEO and founder of Smarty, said in the release. "Despite their skepticism towards AI technology, consumers still understand the value of AI in their shopping experiences. As the industry continues to innovate, it's important to develop solutions that continue to enhance personalization while providing trustworthy and seamless experiences. By aligning AI capabilities with consumer desires, retailers can revolutionize the retail landscape and create truly satisfying and tailored experiences that their customers crave."