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The Gen Z consumer is thorough in decision-making, consulting many sources before making a product and brand choice and is adept at navigating multiple channels including social media platforms.

Those are top findings from a Nfinite survey polling 1,000 Gen Z consumers in the U.S.

The report, "Gen Z Shopper Insights: Understanding Generational Sentiment" stated that understanding the Gen Z shopper is "vital" for both retailers and brand given increasing purchasing power, according to a press release on the findings.

Additional findings include:
• 96% rely on comparing prices and features on e-commerce websites.
• 95% scrutinize product descriptions, specs, and online reviews.
• 94% engage with product imagery and videos.
• 90% say personalization is important.
• 85% of Gen Z individuals report that YouTube is pivotal in influencing their purchase decisions.
• Instagram closely follows, with 78% of Gen Z attributing their purchase choices to this platform.
• TikTok isn't far behind, influencing 73% of Gen Z purchase decisions.
• 85% of Gen Z actively engage with influencer marketing and brand collaborations on social media, with varying frequency.

"Understanding Gen Z is pivotal for retailers and brands as they wield growing purchasing power. Our survey highlights the meticulous nature of Gen Z's purchasing decisions, emphasizing the challenge for retailers and the importance of adapting strategies to cater to this discerning demographic," Nfinite founder and CEO Alexandre de Vigan said in the release. "It also underscores the power of imagery in capturing their attention and trust, making it imperative for brands to harness the visual aspects of their products to resonate with Gen Z's preferences."