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More than half, 68%, of consumers believe brands and retailers should disclose use of AI and 59% agree companies should be legally mandated to disclose AI use.

Those are top findings from a Zetwerk report regarding American consumer views of AI. Over half, 64%, said using AI to create content affects the information's authenticity and trustworthiness, according to a press release on the findings.

Although 42% of consumers approve of AI integration in business, nearly as many (37%) were indifferent about it.

Among the 21% who do not support it, top reasons cited were:

  • Impersonal customer experience (67%).
  • Lack of trust in AI-assisted decision-making (64%).
  • Job security concerns (63%).

The research involved surveying 813 American consumers and 189 American B2B managers. Zetwerk provides manufacturing and supply chain solutions through a technology-driven platform.