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Well more than half, 68%, of consumers feel taken advantage of when a brand employs dynamic pricing and 42% are willing to spend more on a product if consistent pricing was guaranteed.

Those are top findings from a Gartner survey that also revealed 68% of consumers cite intrinsic or self-improvement motivations for reducing consumption.

The Gartner Consumer Community polled 303 U.S. consumers and found 80% agreed that brands that have consistent pricing are more trustworthy, and 42% would be willing to spend more on a product if consistent pricing was guaranteed, according to a press release on the survey findings.

"While inflation may have eased, suspicion and frustration have not — and these negative sentiments are fueling distrust and price paranoia," Kate Muhl, VP analyst in the Gartner Marketing practice, said in the release. "As a result, consumer loyalty is diminished, and the brand relationship hardens into something more adversarial."

The survey also revealed human-free automation technologies are driving engagement and fostering greater connection and interest in future experiences.

When asked about automated tech (e.g., delivery drones, cashier-less stores), 74% of consumers express openness to the tech, with 30% already having tried and would use at least one of these technologies again.