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NCR XR7PLUS Point of Sale Terminal 7703
7705-2000-8801,,NCR SelfServ 75 Bill Payment Kiosk 7705-F050,,No Pin Pad (no Trackball) 7705-F173,,POSReady 7 - 32-bit (7705-2000 only) 77
SelfServ 90 Release 2.1 - Skylake, 7580g (Preferred Offer)
SelfServ 90 Release 2.1 - Skylake, 1500i scanner
Spare lock wtih 2 keys (quantity 10)
Pedestal kit for SelfServ 90 Kiosk. All shelves and bag rack must be ordered separately. The pedestal MUST be bolted to the floor for use.
Rebox: Kit, Pedestal Kit for SelfServ 90
Kit, Small shelf kit for pedestalKit, Small shelf kit for pedestal
Large shelf kit for pedestal
One bag rack and one bag shelf for pedestal to be used with 7709-K430 Selfserv90 Pedestal Kit. Does NOT contain the pedestal!
Kit - Freestanding Pedestal Baseplate
Hand-held Scanner Mounting Kit
Security Scale (Countertop only)
SpacePole payment device arm
Tyco/Sensormatic EAS enable kit
Kit - Turntable for convertibility.
Tyco/Sensormatic Pedestal Backpack Mount
7709-2000-8090,,NCR SelfServ 90 Kiosk Release 1.1 7709-F471,,Intel Celeron G1820TE & 120 GB SSD 7709-F100,,No Indicator Light 7709-F576,,No
7709-2000-8090,,NCR SelfServ 90 Kiosk Release 1.1 7709-F472,,Intel Core i3 4350T & 120 GB SSD 7709-F102,,LED tri-light (3 color) 7709-F576,,
NCR SS 90 Rel1.2,i3 4350T,4/120GB,POSR7
7709-2000-8090,,NCR SelfServ 90 Kiosk Release 1.1 7709-F091,,Windows POSReady 7 (32 bit) for Embedded Systems 7709-F102,,LED tri-light (3 co
NCR SelfServ 90 Rel 1.2,POSR7,8/120GB
NCR SS 90 Rel2.0 KabyLake,8/120GB,W10IoT